Who said Country programmers can't dance? Ed Salamon at the CRS Disco Ball.
Surprise guest Gloria Gaynor.
Taylor Swift sang songs older than she is. Disco Tayler at the Ball!
Country stars came out to sing disco songs.
We eventually figured out that these Knoxville moms crashed the party in Nashville.
Where's the tongue, Blair?
Our host, Blair Garner, at the annual CRS Disco Ball.
Premiere's Rick Bucchieri joins Mike McVay at the CRS Disco.
Promotion Legend Joe Carrol poses with Mike McVay.
Proving that Big Men need love, too --- This trio took over the dance floor.
Rick Bucchieri from Premiere and Mike McVay.
Lifting a Leg and Shaking It - Disco CRS.
Lon Helton points enviously at Mike's disco jacket.
Mike and Tom Baldrico.
Mike McVay and Ed Salamon at the Blair Garner Disco Party.
Mike McVay and KMPS PD Becky Brenner.
Blair Garner dresses as Gene Simmons.
Ed Salamon dancing the night away.
Enough already .... move on and take some different pictures.
Jill Davidson with new World Communications poses with Mike McVay.
Joel Denver from All Access get's into the act.
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